The Institute has appealed for volunteers to assist with the registration process for Chartered Engineers, Incorporated Engineers, and Engineering Technicians. It is looking for Mentors, Reviewers, and Interviewers (see panel).
Chris Parker, IHEEM’s recruitment / membership manager, said: “Evidence tells us that one of the major benefits of membership, and indeed one of the main reasons for joining the Institute, is the opportunity to register as Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer, (IEng) and Engineering Technician (EngTech). All members seeking registration follow an application procedure that results in the review, by a panel of similarly registered engineers, of their submission. The reviewers’ task is to judge whether the submission meets the standard set out in The UK Standard for Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC). An interview for IEng and CEng candidates is also required.
“There is an increasing demand to register in all these categories, and, as part of both Institute and engineering profession growth plans, this will increase. IHEEM therefore needs to increase the pool of volunteers who act in various roles in connection with the registration process, namely Mentors, Reviewers, and Interviewers. To do this properly, we need members’ help.”
IHEEEM points out that while many members serve on central and branch committees, and Technical Platforms etc, there is plenty of opportunity for members who perhaps do not currently serve (such as newly retired members), ‘to offer their services’. Reviewers and interviewers need to be registered to at least the level for which they will carry out the role.
Chris Parker added: “In January’s HEJ we reported on the focus on membership and registration for the Engineering Technician workforce, which will result in more applications for EngTech registration. These all require a paper assessment, although not necessarily an interview. Volunteers to meet this challenge will be particularly welcome.
“Under our licence with the Engineering Council, we must only use appropriately trained members, and, to this end, we will be running two training sessions later this summer, in conjunction with our IPEM colleagues, one at IPEM’s York offices, and the other in Central London. I would encourage IHEEM members who are registered engineers to consider this way of helping to develop the next generation of healthcare engineers. Please do express your interest to me at:”
Those expressing an interest will be notified of the details of the training sessions.