
New tool ‘calculates’ medical air energy savings

Atlas Copco’s ‘Purge-Saver’ is a new online tool that enables users to calculate the energy costs they can save by using ‘state-of-the-art purge control technology’ for Atlas Copco and BeaconMedæs medical air plant installations.

The new ‘calculator tool’ is available to use for free on both the Atlas Copco and BeaconMedæs websites. The Purge Saver feature is said to make medical air purifiers more efficient, potentially resulting in energy savings on purge losses ‘of up to 90%’. The feature is now fitted as standard on all new Atlas Copco and BeaconMedæs medical air plants. The company said: “Using the new online purge saver calculator tool, users can quickly and easily check the monetary savings they can make by using this technology.”
Most of the data is already preset; users only need insert the quantity of compressors and the average load of their plant. The new Purge Saver calculator complements BeaconMedæs and Atlas Copco’s existing online tools, which include an ‘advanced medical air plant calculation tool’ to aid correct selection of a medical air plant according to different medical gas standards. 


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