The experts at Rada have revealed that they are to preview a ‘redefining technology’ in healthcare taps and showers.
Marking the third generation of Rada’s digital products, the new ‘specialist range,’ which has been four years in the making, has been ‘re-designed from the ground up to meet changing needs in healthcare’, and is described as ‘one of the most important product developments in Rada’s 93-year history’.
Eoin McQuone, business director, said: “Safe and effective water control is an ongoing priority for every healthcare establishment. As manufacturers we’ve listened to the needs of all those in the healthcare sector, and have gone back to the drawing board to re-design each and every aspect of our healthcare taps, showers, and fittings – in order to better equip professionals addressing the key issues today’s hospitals face.
“We’ve collaborated throughout the development of our new healthcare products with an extensive range of professionals from different disciplines, including nurses, surgeons, cleaners, infection control specialists, and patients – anyone who will ultimately manage or use taps, showers, and fittings, in a healthcare setting. Their feedback indicates that this new offering is unlike anything else that exists in the sector, and that they share our excitement over what these new products can offer, and the prospect of their official launch.
“At Rada we understand the important role that healthcare professionals play, and our goal has been to design a range of products that will become ‘as important as the people who use them’.”
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