
Steam system ‘quick wins’ explained

Spirax Sarco will field ‘an expert presence’, with a team of steam specialists available to offer advice on energy-related needs.

Stand visitors will be able to talk with ‘energy experts’ about lowering energy consumption, reducing risk, and meeting sustainability goals.

“As well as providing long-term gains, steam system improvements often bring rapid payback, delivering the quick wins which healthcare estates personnel are seeking,” explains Spirax Sarco. “Our experts can even help you identify funding for energy-saving projects, as well as design, project manage, and implement them.” For example, Spirax Sarco worked with Kettering Hospital to secure government funding for an energy reduction project ‘by proving that switching from calorifiers to Spirax EasiHeat systems will reduce the facility’s energy consumption by 6-10%’.

Meanwhile, Paul Mayoh, the company’s technical manager, will deliver a presentation entitled ‘Heat transfer technology explained’, at this year’s IHEEM conference, in the ‘Energy Stream’ on 8 October at 12.35 pm.

See more about Spirax Sarco Ltd

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