
Saferlifting,‘more time to care’

Guldmann, which develops, manufactures, and markets, technical aids for the disabled, and working tools for their carers, such as ceiling and patient lifts, says it is ‘the expert at providing safe, comfortable, and efficient ways to lift, move, and position people, in a wide variety of settings’.

The company added: “Our prime objective is to make sure carers get more time to provide that all-important personal care. Situations where patients are transferred from A-B are very common, and the caregivers make a choice between either using the resources of the patient, or the use of equipment. However, there is a world in between this. You can combine these two opportunities, using the capabilities of the patient, and a hoist and slings. It also creates a safer working environment, enhances patient security, and optimises the opportunities for early mobilisation and rehabilitation.”

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