
Rapid elimination of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores

Howorth’s Biotechnology Division provides ‘a range of equipment that addresses everincreasing market demands for effective, safe, state-of-the-art patient protection systems’.

The company said: “The BioGen DVHP (Dry Vaporised Hydrogen Peroxide) range of products (see photo), and the BioSphere Total Containment Protection System, form part of the Howorth portfolio of equipment and services that are extremely well-established in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors.

“BioGen DVHP decontamination is an effective bactericide, fungicide, virucide, and sporicide that provides up to and including a 6 log (106) kill against pathogens such as MRSA and C. difficile.” BioSphere, meanwhile, is ‘a quick and simple containment solution that provides aesthetic, robust, and highly capable pathogen containment to hospitals and treatment facilities’. “Hospitals can safely contain HCAIs, and provide absolute biological decontamination, in just 24 hours,” Howorth explained.

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