
Lister’s demand response solution

East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust selected KiWi Power in 2012 as its demand response (DR) partner for the Lister Hospital, Stevenage.

Demand response (DR) allows sites to reduce their energy demand on the National Grid by turning down non-essential systems, such as lighting and air-conditioning, or switching to on-site generation for short periods during peak demand. This reduction in power enables cost savings, but, through inclusion in an aggregated DR programme with KiWi Power, the hospital generates significant additional revenue for its participation.

KiWi Power said: “Lister Hospital, like many hospital estates, is a perfect candidate for DR, with on-site diesel generators and a CHP providing additional capacity for export back to the Grid. The site now generates well over £100,000 in revenue annually from DR participation and peak tariff 
avoidance (Triad Management).”

The hospital has a 5 MVA, duplicate 11 kV feed from UK Power Networks (UKPN), fully supported by four Perkins 2 MVA, LV diesel generators and a CHP, which feeds the 11 kV hospital distribution system. During DR events, the diesel generators export electrical load onto the local UKPN distribution network – a process initiated using GPRS technology with no interference to Lister’s IT systems, and a turnkey, remote start control solution from KiWi Power. The technology’s integration with the SCADA & PLC systems at the hospital allows KiWi to control the generators remotely. KiWi operators monitor performance via the engine telemetry and one-minute resolution smart metering at the KiWi Control Centre in London. 

Further benefits include no cost implementation, and reduced CO2 emissions from the UK grid.


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