
‘Strength to strength’ for UCV canopy

Since the launch of its Exflow Evolution ultraclean canopy in 2012, clean air engineering specialist, Howorth Air Technology, says it has found the system to be ‘the preferred choice’ of both NHS and private hospitals in the UK and globally.

It added: “In fact, so much so has this been the case that, in this short period, we have supplied nearly 140 units.”

At the system’s core is the patented Coanda active air displacement device, designed to replace the controlled airflow of the solid side screen. Howorth said: “Primary airflow to the theatre remains the same as with other Exflow models, with the increased air volume required by competitive systems not needed, which lowers running costs.” 

Tom Ford, group sales director, added: “With Howorth’s 150 years’ plus of experience in engineering clean air, the Exflow Evolution ultracean canopy is designed to meet the needs of 21st century operating theatres. Digital technology systems, including monitors, integrated scanners, X-ray machines, and microscopes, can all be housed within the ‘clean zone’, providing a hospital with maximum operating theatre flexibility.”


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