
Terminal units’ anti-bacterial protection

Beacon Medæs has launched ‘the next generation’ of medical gas terminal units.

With a curved gas identification ring, the GEM Shield terminal unit ‘not only looks more modern, but also incorporates an anti-microbial additive to help reduce crossinfection’. The anti-microbial additive kills bacterial cells in several ways. The additive binds to the cell wall, disrupting growth. The ions interfere with enzyme production, stopping the cell from producing energy, and the additive also interrupts the cell’s DNA, preventing replication. Independent laboratory reports show a reduction of E-coli and MRSA ‘greater than 99 per cent’. A safety taggant enables verification that the unit includes the anti-microbial additive.

The new GEM Shield terminal unit features a ‘modernised’ trim plate that removes dust traps, decreasing cross-infection risk. The fixing screws can be accessed from the front, cutting the exchange time by 15 minutes.

All GEM Shield units can be easily retrofitted onto existing GEM 10 installations.

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