
Excellent feedback ‘four years on’

Wireless nurse call specialist, CourtneyThorne, has installed its 08 system at Medway Maritime Hospital’s 20-room pre-occupation care unit (POCU) in Gillingham, Kent, bringing to 10 the number of wards utilising the system at the hospital (pictured).

The installation is part of a rolling programme of nurse call upgrades at Kent’s largest acute hospital, which serves 400,000 patients annually.

The hospital’s move to a wireless system began four years ago, when the Medway NHS Foundation Trust decided to phase out its existing hard-wired system in favour of a wireless system that could adapt more readily to its changing needs. Courtney-Thorne was appointed sole supplier of wireless nurse call systems following a rigorous procurement process, and its 08 system is now specified for all refurbishment projects. 

The POCU installation involved 38 room units, and followed several other recent Courtney-Thorne wireless nurse call upgrade schemes, including in the hospital’s 24-bed Bronte Ward and the 28-bed Sapphire Ward. 

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