T.E.S.T. (Theatre and Endoscopy Service Technicians) says that ‘when it comes to decontamination, we are always a step ahead’.
It explained: “Alongside providing quality laboratory testing and on-site engineering support to the latest standards, we develop new products and services to meet the changing demands of best practice in decontamination. T.E.S.T. was the first laboratory to gain UKAS accreditation for microbiological surrogate devices, taking this to the next level by creating T-Scope, which we will show in Manchester.”
T-Scope is ‘a multifunctional, reusable surrogate device that mimics all the internal valves and channels of an endoscope’, and is adaptable ‘to simulate any type of endoscope on the market ’. Channel patency, disinfection efficacy, and soil testing are possible with one device. Drying cabinets can also be tested.
T.E.S.T added: “Our laboratory testing service simplifies weekly and annual testing for endoscopy; we manage all transport arrangements, and ensure you receive the results you need quickly via email.”