An alternative to the hard nylon netting usually factory fitted to weather louvres, and often used to keep flies, vermin, and birds, out of areas such as hospital kitchens, is now available from RAB Specialist Engineers.
The company explained: “Many are familiar with the hard plastic mesh fitted behind weather louvres. In hospitals this is fitted to comply with HTM 03, which states that the aperture size should be 6-12 mm. While 6 mm netting will keep flies, vermin, and birds, out, it can be difficult to remove and clean. It does block some airborne debris, and has a relatively low resistance when clean.
“Unfortunately it clogs quite easily, and eventually a carpet of seed, feathers, leaves etc. is created. HVAC equipment will still draw air through the blanket, but it increases energy use, and can cause fan motor failure.
“An alternative is the RABScreen air intake filter. Using a combination of polyester and polypropylene, an electrostatic charge is created during air movement. This catches any airborne debris like iron filings to a magnet but at only half the resistance. Installed using the AJM Drop In Filter Frame, it creates a simple-to-maintain system with greater airflow and higher particulate capture.”
‘Although relatively inexpensive’, RABScreens provide ‘significant savings in both energy and labour cost’, and can see an ROI of under four months.