If, as an Authorised or Competent Person MGPS, you last attended MGPS training three or more years ago, ‘then it’s highly likely you are due for a refresher course’, says Eastwood Park’s Medical Gas portfolio manager, Michael Ell (pictured), who stresses the need to ensure that all engineers’ competencies are current.
He said: “Refresher training is designed specifically to help all those working on ‘live’ medical gas pipeline systems to stay up to date with the latest best practices and new technologies. Guidance is set out in HTM 02-01. The courses that Eastwood Park offers are designed to offer higher levels of practical experience than elsewhere, which allows delegates to practise – and make mistakes – while working on a simulated hospital MGPS. This helps to build confidence.”
The most common current MGPS guidelines are referenced within HTM 0201, and in ISO 7396 (1&2) and NFPA 99, and address the requirements of design, installation, maintenance, and verification.
Eastwood Park has updated its range of medical gas courses and, alongside ‘refreshers’ for Authorised and Competent Persons, now offers the following training courses: Competent Person MGPS first responder; Quality Controller MGPS introduction; Quality Controller MGPS refresher; Nurse MGPS; Porter MGPS, Designated nursing officer MGPS.