
Access control for mental healthcare

Access control software has been used in the commercial sector for many years, but has not, until now, been available in a package tailored for mental healthcare sector use.

So says Primera Life, which sought to address this anomaly with the launch at last month’s Design in Mental Health 2016 show of Passport Amadeo, an access control system that the company says ‘ticks every box’. The hardware is standalone, battery-powered, and features an anti-barricade lockset and anti-ligature design, while the software is ‘smart and easy to programme’.

“Amadeo uses the same enclosure and lockset as the existing Primera Passport system,” Primera explained. “For service-users, it works in the same easy-to-understand way. Behind the scenes, however, it can track the movements of any number of card or fob-holders. Amadeo records the dates, times, and who is moving. It can highlight issues and raise alarms, and operates using easily installable Wi-Fi connectivity.” 

While programming access control systems can be time-consuming, “with Passport Amadeo,” Primera explained, “a door can be programmed remotely, and virtual keys issued to operate any door using a tablet or a smartphone. Any changes can be effective almost immediately, as the locks are continually polling for access updates from the networked system.”



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