
Washrooms for the unintentional vandal

There’s a potential vandal in each of us, especially when it comes to using public washrooms and toilets.

The wide variety of technology available and a lack of familiarity may result in unintentional vandalism if the user does not know how an electronic tap works or how to ad

just the temperature. Frustration or impatience may manifest in increasingly abusive behaviour and the sanitary fittings provide a convenient target.

DELABIE has over 80 years’ experience manufacturing water controls and accessories for public places. We believe that there are certain considerations that can mitigate against the involuntary vandal such as well-designed facilities, product suitability and regular maintenance.

Shock-resistant sensors withstand repeated impact

Poor housekeeping

Aesthetics play a large part. Washroom facilities with an obvious lack of maintenance (broken tiling, soap dispensers with no soap, WCs or urinals with water stains) will lead to contempt for the facilities. Attractive surroundings with well-maintained fixtures and clean, bright surfaces are more likely to elicit respect and care from the user.

Fit for purpose

System considerations need to be factored in. Pipe size, dynamic pressure and flow rates play an important part. Failing to adapt the WC flush to system pressure will cause over spray leading to wet floors creating a hazard for users. Similarly, excessive splashing from an incorrectly positioned shower head or an undersized basin will result in surfaces becoming discoloured, joint integrity may fail, materials may warp with the damp and hygiene becomes a major concern. Products that can be easily adjusted to system conditions during installation will pre-empt such problems and provide facilities that are fit for purpose.

Durable materials

Taps and showers intended for washrooms subject to intensive use in public areas must be made of robust and durable materials. DELABIE taps and showers are made from solid brass and will withstand regular and intensive use. Push-button controls and mechanisms have no fragile moving parts. Our electronic sensors are able to withstand impact, even though they are designed to be non-touch. Accessories such as soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers and grab bars for accessible toilets are made from 304 stainless steel – the surface reacts spontaneously with oxygen, forming a protective layer, and guarding the surface against corrosion.


304 stainless steel has self-repairing surface

Secure fixings

Water controls with secure fixings will withstand a heavy-handed user and also more deliberate vandalism. DELABIE’s commercial tapware is designed to fix firmly in place via threaded rods with a horseshoe bracket and back nuts to tighten onto the working surface. Alternatively cross wall fixings and anti-rotating pins provide an additional level of stability that will withstand any torsion or twisting. Fully recessed models with tamperproof fixings or concealed fixings leave no opportunity for even the most determined vandal to access the mechanisms.

Recessed WC valves are difficult to access

Consideration is often given to how to prevent overt vandalism but estates and facilities managers need to consider the impact of unintentional vandalism. DELABIE’s water controls and sanitary fittings can provide a complete washroom solution that will minimise the impact of involuntary damage.


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