A meeting of the Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Energy Technical Platform, and accompanying Symposium, on 25 June in The Great Hall at London’s St Bartholomew’s Hospital, will focus on topics ranging from ‘The new IHEEM AE(V) Register, and why it is needed’, to ‘What to watch out for in isolation rooms’.
Richard Knight, an HVAC&E Technical Platform member and healthcare ventilation specialist with over 30 years’ experience, said: “This event will provide an excellent opportunity to hear about some of the latest HVAC developments affecting healthcare, meet others working in the field, and air your views.”
Topics to be discussed at the event, which is open to all, and free to attend, will include:
- Endoscopy – an infection waiting to happen’ – a review of the new Technical Platform Guidance Note on the subject.
- ‘The New AE(V) register; what’s required, and why is it needed?’
- ‘Filters, getting them, right?’ and a new Technical Platform Guidance Note.
- ‘That 75% rule’ – the new Platform Guidance note.
- The new BS EN covering healthcare ventilation.
- The role of AEs.
- ‘Isolation rooms – what to watch out for’.
- ‘Surgeon’s control/theatre panels’, plus the new associated Technical Platform Guidance Note.
Please note that this is a third-party event. To book, T: 0800 6120 740, or email: info@approvedair.co.uk
- Fire dampers.