Initial Washroom Solutions has launched eco-clear, a complete hygiene service for urinals that can reduce water usage by up to 90% and help avoid blockages and unpleasant odours, without the use of harmful chemicals.
By combining the eco-clear sleeve cap and eco-clear system, urinals can now be better maintained, and have less of an environmental impact, the manufacturer claims.
The eco-clear sleeve is installed inside the urinal waste pipe and is designed to act as a temporary holding vessel for urine, meaning the system can be flushed through less often. The sleeve contains bio-enzymes that penetrate uric acid, salts and scale, preventing bacteria growing or bio-film forming while the urine is stagnant, combating any unpleasant odours that could occur.
As urinal odour is the result of uric acid reacting with water, a system such as this, which reduces the amount of contact, will actually reduce the problem significantly. Using eco-sleeve, a timed water management device can then be employed and urinal flushing reduced to as little as just four times a day, resulting in a reduction of water use by up to 90%, significantly cutting water costs and a company’s impact on the environment.
The eco-clear system includes a timed water management device that fits directly to the solenoid valve in the urinal, which controls the flow of water to the cistern. Finally, the eco-clear cap sits in the plug-hole, preventing any foreign matter from falling into the waste trap and reducing blockages that lead to unsightly overflows.