
Trio of options for ‘sustainable shower compliance’

Tandrup, the manufacturer of the T-Safe filter shower, says it is ‘now in the unique position’ of being able to provide healthcare estates teams with ‘the full spectrum of shower head and hose compliance management solutions’, with its extended T-Safe Hygiene Shower range.

The company explained: “The requirement for quarterly shower head and hose cleaning and disinfection, as required under HTM 04:01, continues to provide healthcare estates teams with a significant maintenance burden and compliance challenge. Consequently, over recent years replacement schemes have become more popular, with over 40 NHS organisations already using the T-Safe Quarterly Replacement Scheme. Such schemes rely on the manufacture and exchange of high numbers of showers on a regular basis, and even with a recycling programme, can have a significant environmental impact and carbon footprint. 

“As sustainability remains high on the NHS agenda, we have sought to innovate further with the recent introduction of both the CL Hygiene Shower – a reusable antibacterial colour-coded shower, and the T-Safe Shower Management service – a turnkey service where showers are exchanged, cleaned, and returned, as opposed to being recycled. Healthcare estates teams can thus now select from three schemes, providing a solution whatever the preferred shower compliance strategy. Crucially, the introduction of this new offering provides a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to delivering compliance.”



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