
FireSafe oxygen nozzles

BPR Medical has been working with Bronglais Hospital in Aberystwyth to introduce safety nozzles on oxygen cylinders.

The hospital is thought to be the first in the world to introduce these FireSafe nozzles which will replace standard nozzles on oxygen flowmeters on all wards. It is hoped that they will provide a lifeline for people suffering from respiratory disease and that the new nozzles will act as a safeguard against the recognised problem of potentially life-threatening oxygen fires.

Hospital no-smoking policies are widely thought to have exacerbated the problem of oxygen fires as some patients who are receiving oxygen smoke illicitly within the hospital building without realising the risks that are involved. However, if an oxygen fire does start in the oxygen delivery cannula, once it reaches the FireSafe nozzle the flow is stopped and therefore the oxygen supplying the fire is also stopped.

Gareth Ress, director of facilities at the hospital, commented: “The Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust is delighted to be among the first to initiate this important development into its fire safety programme. The Trust has been working with BPR Medical since May 2007 on this project.”

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