
Integration and control for tomorrow’s theatres– ‘4K integrated OR’

According to Brandon Medical, ‘the operating theatre has been dramatically changed’ – minimally invasive surgery means more equipment has to be integrated and controlled, with a need for complex audio-video solutions required, and, of course, the associated medical IT, UPS systems, gases, and specialised carts.

The company said: “The next generation of surgical robots is either ready to enter the market or has already done so, their design informed by the needs of patients, surgeons, and surgical teams. Surgeons expect equipment to be designed to enhance their surgical skills – two good examples being enhanced vision via 4K ultraHD video, and enhanced precision via robotic-assisted surgery.”

Healthcare estates teams, correspondingly, have the task of seamlessly and effortlessly integrating these new technologies, while simultaneously building in efficiencies and ensuring that operating theatres offer optimal flexibility to cater for a range of procedures, rather than dedicated specialisms. Equally, theatres and other surgical facilities must comply with guidance, such as such as HTM 06-01 in the UK, and continually evolving regulatory requirements.

Brandon Medical said: “The sheer number of variables increases the risk associated with any operating theatre project. Compounding the complexity, the product solutions selected need to be future-proof, and to offer sufficient built-in flexibility to work with a range of BMS platforms and development of new technologies. Theatre equipment and components must also have a user-friendly interface to simplify use by the surgical team; engineers should not have to be called on to ‘troubleshoot’ during surgical procedures.”

Brandon says it has the experience, project management skills, know-how, and expertise, to  offer ‘an innovative, flexible and supportive approach’ to all projects requiring operating room integration and telemedicine, via a complete package which includes digital equipment, software, and expertise: Symposia Digital Media for Healthcare. The Entoli Medical Controller, part of the Symposia package, is designed to simplify and speed the set-up of medical equipment in theatres so that space utilisation, functionality, and ergonomics are optimised. The software control platform connects to audio-visual equipment, recorders, cameras, and surgical and general lighting – providing one ‘easy-to-use interface designed by industry’.

Brandon Medical added: “Entoli now supports full 4K UHD over IP for ‘no limits’ video integration across operating rooms and across campuses. Surgeons can use Entoli to establish real-time, latency-free calls to other operating theatres for consultations with colleagues, or to securely authorise specific video sources for access in a seminar room. With Symposia at the heart of OR control, the future is secure, integrated, and future-proof.”

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