Three years ago, Bristan commissioned a whitepaper, ‘Your Views: Infection Control for Water Delivery’. Now, Chris Tranter, revisits the report’s key findings, and reflects on the fundamental, yet unresolved, issues it raises.
As we live through the coronavirus pandemic, it’s become startlingly clear how important a united approach to infection control is key at every level – from legislation to best practice. Three years ago (HEJ – August and November 2017), Bristan commissioned a white paper, ‘Your Views: Infection Control for Water Delivery’. In this article, Bristan specification product manager, Chris Tranter, revisits the report’s key findings, and reflects on the fundamental, yet unresolved, issues it raises.
In an industry first, Bristan called in 2017 on Health Estate Journal readers to share their views on the healthcare industry’s approach to waterborne infection control. What the survey produced was marketleading insights into industry opinion that have stood the test of time.
The need for effective infection control processes and equipment has been long debated in the healthcare sector, yet progress remains slow. It was only in early 2019 – a mere 12 months before COVID-19 arrived on our doorstep – that NHS England and NHS Improvement issued a definitive guide to hand hygiene and PPE to provide uniformity across healthcare settings. While other areas may have advanced, the issue of waterborne infection control continues to slip under the radar
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