Chris Harvey, head of Marketing at Stelrad, looks at the advantages of installing low surface temperature (LST) radiators in healthcare settings, particularly in terms of enhanced safety for more vulnerable very young and elderly patients.
Sustaining severe dry burns from radiators and associated pipework is something no one wants to imagine for their loved ones, but the elderly, vulnerable people, and of course very young children, are the most likely to suffer these, at times, life-changing injuries. There is, however, a way of ensuring this can never happen, and leading radiator manufacturer, Stelrad Radiators, offers the sector a leading range of a type of radiator that offers ‘safe-to-touch’ heating – which is being specified almost as a matter of course in healthcare environments that are heated by typical ‘wet’ heating systems.
LST – low surface temperature – radiators are key, for example, where there is a need to meet NHS Guidance for ‘Safe Hot Water and surface temperatures’ – in hospitals, surgeries, care and nursing homes, as well as sheltered housing, schools, and nurseries, and in an increasing amount of general needs housing that may be used by vulnerable people during that home’s lifetime. They are also highly relevant in sports centres and other public service buildings, where the owners want to take all the risk out of the building from ‘day 1’ of it being in operation.
Some of the key risks
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