
Air cleaning devices and their ‘real-world’ impact

IIHEEM’s second online Branch of the Month event of 2021 saw guest speaker, Cath Noakes OBE, CEng, FIMechE, FIHEEM, discuss the topic, ‘Air cleaning and disinfection devices in a hospital setting – approaches and pitfalls'

IIHEEM’s second online Branch of the Month event of 2021 – held by the Yorkshire Branch – saw IHEEM’s CEO, Pete Sellars, give a brief update on recent IHEEM activities, before guest speaker, Cath Noakes OBE, CEng, FIMechE, FIHEEM, Professor of Environmental Engineering for Buildings, and Deputy Director of the Leeds Institute for Fluid Dynamics, School of Civil Engineering, at the University of Leeds, discussed the topic, ‘Air cleaning and disinfection devices in a hospital setting – approaches and pitfalls’.

Before Professor Noakes – who is a member of the SAGE Environmental Modelling Group – gave a very interesting presentation, following up on the one she gave during IHEEM’s Digital Week 2020 last October (HEJ – October 2020), IHEEM Yorkshire Branch Chair, Chris Davies, head of Estates at Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, said he would like to reflect for a few moments on those who had lost their lives over the past year. He also thanked IHEEM for its assistance in staging the webinar, before handing over to Pete Sellars for a brief update on recent Head Office activities, prior to the main presentation. The latter said: “What has delighted me is that even in a difficult year, we have exceeded the aims and priorities we set out for the Institute, and I would point all attendees to the Annual Report published in December, which details the tremendous work my IHEEM Head Office team has done, as well as the massive support we have had from our members.”

Noting that this was the year’s second IHEEM Branch of the Month event, Pete Sellars explained that the webinars were part of the Institute’s work ‘to create an environment to connect with our Noting that this was the year’s second IHEEM Branch of the Month event, Pete Sellars explained that the webinars were part of the Institute’s work ‘to create an environment to connect with our

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