
ProCure22 working delivered Nightingales in record time

A look at how ProCure22’s benefits – including collaborative working, quicker decision-making, and rapid response – were harnessed to great effect in the rapid transformation of non-medical buildings into fully four functional Nightingale hospitals

A look at how the benefits of the ProCure22 framework – especially in terms of collaborative working, quicker decision-making, rapid response, and the use of standardised, repeatable components and designs, were harnessed in the rapid transformation of non-medical buildings into fully four functional Nightingale hospitals across England to provide surge capacity in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic last year

This case study is based on the work to transform non-medical buildings into four fully operational temporary hospitals as part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic

In the early stages of the pandemic in the spring of 2020, four buildings – in Birmingham, Bristol, Harrogate, and Manchester – were converted to Nightingale hospitals via contractors utilising the P22 framework, providing the capacity to treat up to 2,239 patients. Integral to the swift response was ProCure22 (P22), a procurement framework administered by the Department of Health & Social Care for the development and delivery of NHS and social care capital schemes in England. These sizeable projects were delivered in an incredible 17-day period.

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