
Updated Roadmap to guide Trusts towards ‘Net Zero’

The updated version of the A Healthcare Engineering Roadmap For Delivering Net Zero Carbon document, seeks to help NHS Trusts meet the Net Zero carbon targets set out in the NHS strategy.

On 14 April IHEEM held a webinar in conjunction with the Carbon and Energy Fund (CEF) and HEFMA to discuss the updated version of the A Healthcare Engineering Roadmap for Delivering Net Zero document. Authored by experts at the Carbon and Energy Fund, and with its development supported by both IHEEM and HEFMA, the new guide, which will evolve further over time, seeks to assists NHS Trusts to meet the Net Zero carbon targets set out in the NHS strategy, Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service, 1 published last October. Here Stephen Lowndes, Technical Director at the CEF, takes a look at the context within which it has been developed and published, and highlights some of the key actions required.

The comprehensive new guide, A Healthcare Engineering Roadmap for Delivering Net Zero (accessible online at https://www.iheem.org.uk/a-healthcareengineering-roadmap-for-delivering-netzero-carbon), is intended to build on previous work, and sets out a clear threestaged approach to decarbonising NHS estates. It has been developed and reviewed by experts from across industry and the NHS, draws on real NHS project experience, reviews emerging and future technologies, and explores how Trusts can develop strategies that decarbonise now, while simultaneously preparing for future innovation. In this article I will explain the extent of the challenges that NHS Trusts face to meet the net zero targets set for the service, and some of the key issues that they will need to consider addressing along the journey.

Delivering Net Zero health estate infrastructure requires change at pace

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