Designing an accessible bathroom or washroom in a hospital or other healthcare setting requires strict legislative compliance and a collaborative approach to avoid errors.
Here Pete Davis, Product and Marketing director for Geberit and Twyford in the UK and Ireland, explores the various guidance documents and legislation requiring consideration to achieve compliance, and why having a thorough understanding of these is key for Estates managers.
There are a number of guidelines and approved documents which shape the design of bathroom and washroom spaces in commercial premises to ensure accessibility and suitability for all who use them. The ultimate goal in accessible design is to make the bathroom space safe for everyone who uses it, and clearly advancements have been made to ensure this in recent years. This includes the continued development of guidance such as Part M of the Building Regulations (last updated July 2020), and BS 8300 (revised in 2018). Both of these draw on the legal requirements of the Equality Act 2010, which protects people from discrimination in the workplace, and in wider society.
However, none of these documents are specific to hospitals or other healthcare facilities. Experienced healthcare estates professionals will know that there are more prescriptive requirements when it comes to designing an accessible bathroom or washroom in a hospital. Simply following the requirements of accessible design is not enough. With a greater focus on regulatory compliance across the construction industry following the Hackitt Review and other scrutiny, it is arguably more important than ever to understand the requirements. This applies to the entire specification chain, from building designers and contractors, through to the Estates managers responsible for maintenance and ongoing compliance.
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