
Modular provides solution for fully compliant wards

Key representatives from the modular building sector are developing fully HTM, HBN, and DDA-compliant standardised offsite solutions for hospital wards and theatres.

Through extensive meetings to discuss the estate needs of NHS Trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups, key representatives from the modular building sector are developing fully HTM, HBN, and DDA-compliant standardised offsite solutions for hospital wards and theatres. As Andy King, deputy managing director at Wernick Buildings, and Technical Chair of the Modular and Portable Buildings Association, explains, these discussions follow the UK Government’s announcement, both in its New Hospital Programme and Health Infrastructure Plan, that the NHS must adopt new and Modern Methods of Construction.

Procuring a modular building for healthcare has never been easier. Frameworks such as NHS SBS make the process a simple one. The availability of healthcare-focused frameworks allows customers to accelerate the procurement process, and provides peace of mind as they work with a pre-approved supply chain that has proven its ability to provide quick, capable, and cost-effective solutions. While other sectors – such as education – have been able to quickly adapt to Modern Methods of Construction, healthcare presents a more challenging prospect for both contractor and client. Put simply, healthcare buildings are substantially more complex, and the sector itself has a lot more moving parts

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed additional pressure on healthcare services, and particularly hospitals, which has accelerated the adoption of modular solutions. The NHS faces numerous challenges, including the need to maintain essential and elective treatments, while also managing growing waiting lists and preparing for a possible ‘third wave’. As a result, the pandemic seems to have brought with it a realisation that flexible spaces that can quickly accommodate changes in use and increases in occupation numbers are crucial

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