
Providing accessible and high quality training

IHEEM continues to deliver on its commitment to provide its members with access to a wide choice of professional and technical training opportunities through its Knowledge Partnerships.

Here the Institute provides further detail on some of the training and upskilling now on offer via the online IHEEM Learning Hub.

As part of the IHEEM Business Plan published in early 2020, over the past six months the Institute has made some significant progress towards offering support to our members throughout their career journey. Part of that support involves access to appropriate and quality training opportunities and products to support our membership base, and the Institute is making sure that – where possible – these courses will be accredited or certified as CPD. That is why we are delighted to announce that we now have over 100 appropriate training courses available from our Knowledge Partners, details of which can be found under the Learning Hub on the website, and viewed at: https://www.iheem.org.uk/learninghub/training-courses

IHEEM said: “The Institute has successful working relationships with several organisations to be able to deliver and expand on our education and training opportunities to further support our members throughout their career. We recognise and thank these trusted organisations for their support; an overview of each partner, the relationship, and what these organisations offer, follows below:

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