
When to seek derogation, and the best approach

Andrew Poplett, an Authorising Engineer (Water & Ventilation) with specialist knowledge of water and critical ventilation systems, discusses when it may be appropriate for health service-providers to seek derogations.

Andrew Poplett, an Authorising Engineer (Water & Ventilation), who has over 30 years’ experience of healthcare estates management, with specific and specialist knowledge of water and critical ventilation systems, takes a look at when it may be appropriate for NHS Trusts and other health service-providers to seek derogations from official guidance and advice, the optimal approach, and how to avoid the potential pitfalls.

The question of derogations has been a complex, and, at times, highly contentious, issue for many years. It can often start with a debate over the legal status of NHS-specific guidance, and include a range of challenges. This article offers an individual opinion on the various issues, and highlights the long-term consequences and repercussions which NHS service-providers should consider when considering how to manage derogations, and, simultaneously, retain the ability to demonstrate compliance assurance to all stakeholders.

NHS standards

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