
Redesigning hospitals for the telehealth revolution

Michaela Sheahan, senior researcher at Hassell, explains how the practice collaborated with The University of Queensland, to understand where and how digital consultations were undertaken in Australia in 2020.

Michaela Sheahan, senior researcher at Hassell, explains how, with a significant switch to ‘virtual’ consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic, the international architecture, design, and urban planning practice collaborated with the Centre for Online Health, Centre for Health Services Research at The University of Queensland, to understand where and how digital consultations were undertaken in Australia in 2020. The firm surveyed and interviewed healthcare workers in Australian hospitals to better understand how telehealth spaces worked (or didn't) for them and their colleagues, with some interesting findings.

In 2020, while hospitals and healthcare providers grappled with infection control issues and community anxiety about COVID-19, the long-anticipated widespread uptake of telehealth consultations finally happened – seemingly overnight, and with chronic disease and an ageing population increase putting pressure on hospital space and staff, there is much to be gained from this significant, potentially permanent, shift in service delivery. What if we could sustain lower numbers of patients fronting up to hospitals in the first place, and then give that space to those who really need it? It sounds simple, but of course health systems are complex, risk-averse, and too important to fail. The pandemic is a oncein-a-generation real-time experiment to see where change can be made safely and effectively.

A generation of change

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