
New Hospital Programme’s ‘commercial philosophy’

Speaking in the opening keynote at last month’s ‘hybrid’ Healthcare Estates conference, Emma-Jane Houghton, England’s New Hospital Programme, gave a presentation entitled ‘An introduction to the New Hospital Programme’s Commercial Philosophy’.

Speaking in the opening keynote at last month’s ‘hybrid’ Healthcare Estates conference, Emma-Jane Houghton, Commercial Director for England’s New Hospital Programme, gave a presentation entitled ‘An introduction to the New Hospital Programme’s Commercial Philosophy’. In it she explained the NHP team’s approach to supply chain engagement, and the important role to be played by both well-established, larger contractors and suppliers, and SMEs – many with specialist expertise – in getting 48 new hospitals built by 2030 as part of one of biggest hospital infrastructure initiatives seen in England in recent decades.

The two first-day keynote speakers at this year’s Healthcare Estates conference – Emma Jane Houghton, Commercial director for the New Hospital Programme, and David Flory. Designate Chair of Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS and interim Chair for Cheshire and Merseyside ICS, were introduced by IHEEM CEO, Pete Sellars, who said: “Today’s conference theme is ‘Hospitals of the future’, and in their very different roles all of our speakers today will have an influential impact on the planning and delivery of the New Hospital Programme. Almost all of our professional members – either through their company or NHS roles – will at some point be engaged in this important programme, through the manufacturing supply chain, in construction, or in the detailed planning, design, delivery, and ongoing maintenance of these hospitals. I couldn’t thus think of a better way to start our Healthcare Estates 2021 conference discussions this week than by first welcoming Emma-Jane Houghton, Commercial Director for the New Hospital Programme, who will set out the Programme’s aims and objectives, and explain the Programme team’s approach to procuring these future hospitals, the ambition being to radically improve the way they are specified, designed, procured, and built. After Emma-Jane’s address,

David Flory will discuss he and his organisation’s aims and ambitions from the standpoint of one of 40 designated ICS Chairs in England, and set out how they will provide the leadership to unite and transform the delivery of health and social care services throughout our communities. Firstly, though, I’d like to welcome EmmaJane Houghton to the stage.”

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