
How RO feedwater can boost boiler performance

Paul Godfrey, managing director at Puretech Water Systems (UK) considers the key benefits of reverse osmosis (RO) water as feedwater for boilers, and how its use in this context facilitates reducing boiler blowdown periods.

Paul Godfrey, managing director at Puretech Water Systems (UK) – a designer, manufacturer, and installation/maintenance specialist in water treatment systems – considers the key benefits of reverse osmosis (RO) water as feedwater for boilers, and how its use in this context facilitates reducing boiler blowdown periods.

The drastic rise in energy costs has left many Estates managers looking for avenues that lead to cost savings across their department. Sustainable water management has also become a priority issue. The Department of Health published Health Technical Memorandum 07-04 (HTM07-04) in 20131 to serve as guidance to Estates teams for best practice measures and provide advice on sustainable water management. Reducing wastewater and investigating technologies that positively impact a change are actively encouraged. NHS Property Services echoes this sentiment with a directorate and pledge to becoming more water-efficient and reducing wastewater. 2

Steam boiler plants

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