
2021: IFHE-EU’s busy year and Presidential handover

Considering the challenges presented by COVID-19 worldwide, the IFHE’s European Group had another successful, and certainly eventful, year in 2021, reports its Treasurer, and IHEEM’s IFHE representative, David Whiteley

Founded in 2005, IFHE-EU is the longest-established regional group of the International Federation of Healthcare Engineering. Considering the challenges presented by COVID-19 worldwide, and the occasional communication technology issues experienced by many throughout the pandemic, the European Group had another successful, and certainly eventful, year in 2021, reports the group’s Treasurer, and IHEEM’s IFHE representative, David Whiteley, in this interesting look back.

As was the case with many other organisations, the IFHE-EU’s Executive Committee (ExCo) met online on a number of occasions throughout the year to learn lessons, share knowledge and best practice, and discuss members’ experiences of overcoming the challenges of the impact of COVID-19 across their respective countries’ health and care systems. David Whiteley explained: “The year started with one of our founder member organisations, SIAIS in Italy, holding the IFHE worldwide Presidency (see Daniela Pedrini’s article in the August 2021 HEJ), and the IFHE-EU Presidency being held by IHEEM’s Chief Executive, Pete Sellars. During this term, both have been proactive members of IFHEEU’s ExCo, which has ensured close collaboration between the European Group and worldwide IFHE – an arrangement expected to continue going forward.

Presidential arrangements

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