Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has signed up to Wassenburg’s pay-per-use scheme in replacing four endoscope washer-disinfectors (EWDs).
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has signed up to a pay-per-use scheme with Wassenburg – four of the company’s existing endoscope washer-disinfectors (EWDs) that have given it excellent service are being replaced with five new machines. The latest EWDs not only offer faster cycle times and a more ergonomic design, but the Trust’s Sterile Services Department will now pay based on the number of procedures completed, avoiding upfront capital outlay and depreciation costs. The agreement covers the cost of the EWDs, the associated consumables, and their servicing and maintenance to HTM 01-06 requirements.
Looking to develop a new, standalone decontamination facility in the near future, Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust needed an interim replacement for its endoscope washer-disinfectors (EWDs). The busy and relatively small department needed to remain operational, but timely access to capital was constrained, and options were limited. Wassenburg Medical therefore provided the ideal solution.
“The original endoscope washerdisinfectors were installed back in 2008 and, when the satellite department was taken on by Sterile Services in 2011, it was incorporated into our ISO 13485, which enables us to undertake external work for other Trusts and healthcare providers,” Richard Cornish, Operational manager and AP(D) Sterile Services, explained.
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