
Practical learning imperative in medical gas landscape

With the ever-changing landscape of requirements, regulations, and engineering practice within healthcare, Michael Ell, Medical Gas Portfolio manager, and Mark Williams, lead medical gas trainer, both of Eastwood Park Training, explain why practical training, building on theoretical knowledge, is key to gaining competency in the specialist field of medical gas pipeline systems.

Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 02-01 provides pivotal guidance to healthcare estate management and healthcare engineering personnel working in this specialist field, but understanding such guidance, and actually delivering what is set out in it, are two different things. Providing practical learning that follows the guidance in the HTM, allowing learners to take away real-life knowledge and experience, is imperative to ensuring compliance at all times. Tangible steps such as creating workstations that meet the needs of the work required, and encouraging networking with peers, and discussion on current issues facing Estates teams, are all part of the inclusive learning experience that comes with practically applied training. 

At Eastwood Park Training, not only do we provide this live, hands-on experience, but we also appreciate that across all Trusts there will be a range of different equipment used, both old and new, and from a range of manufacturers. That is why we provide a plethora of different equipment for learners to work on, so they will be familiar with many different pieces of equipment when they return to their workplace. One such example of this is our medical gas alarms training, where we showcase these different models, and learners get to grips with their functions. This is a vital part of the hands-on training, and one that has already saved Trusts money in call-outs and maintenance. 

Practical training: why do we need it?

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