
‘Pioneering’ ward layout for Altnagelvin’s North Wing

HLM Architects’ Kevin O’Neill explains how the practice developed what it believes is a ‘unique’ eight-bedded cluster layout for the 144 single bedrooms within a new North Wing at Derry’s Altnagelvin Hospital.

Kevin O’Neill, Architect at HLM Architects, explains how the practice developed what it believes is a ‘unique’ eight-bedded cluster layout for the 144 single bedrooms within the new North Wing at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry in Northern Ireland. He describes this as ‘a unique concept within healthcare design’, with ‘the potential to drive substantial efficiencies’, and the flexibility to cater for changing patient demographics, and future shifts in demand and operational patient care needs.

When thinking of hospitals, many people might imagine an historic, clinical, or even anxiety-inducing environment. Being designed with its medical function in mind, a sense of welcome or attractiveness can sometimes take a back seat. However, it is possible to help these spaces perform even better in the delivery of their intended function – the provision of high-quality care and treatment – while simultaneously making them inviting places that enhance the experience of patients, staff, and visitors alike. This requires careful consideration when it comes to hospital design, and a vital part of this hinges on reimagining our approach to the traditional layout of wards and patient accommodation.

Transforming the old view of hospitals

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