
Meeting the pure water challenges of healthcare

Tony Stubbs, Business Development manager (Healthcare) at Veolia Water Technologies UK, explains why a consistent, pure water supply, and smart monitoring solutions, should be an integral part of a robust patient safety strategy

Given the challenges of the past two years, it is essential that hospitals and other healthcare facilities continue to maintain a robust strategy to ensure patient safety. Here, Tony Stubbs, Business Development manager (Healthcare) at Veolia Water Technologies UK (VWT UK), explains why a consistent, pure water supply, and smart monitoring solutions, should be an integral part of that strategy.

Equipment failure or system shutdowns can cause significant issues for healthcare facilities, such as departmental closures and appointment cancellations. As the UK continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals are faced with another problem: tackling long waiting lists due to the significant number of appointments that were suspended. Looking back at some telling statistics for last year, and according to NHS England, 6.35 million patients were waiting to start treatment in March 2022 – an all-time high since records began. In addition, 2.31 million patients had been waiting over 18 weeks for treatment in February 2022, while almost 300,000 had been waiting for over a year. Although it will undoubtedly take years to clear this backlog, this winter is expected to be hard on the NHS once again; thus any further delays caused by equipment or system failures could be devastating for many of the UK’s hospitals and the health of their patients

Importance of a pure supply

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