
Shock-absorbent flooring’s impact on patient falls

Dr. Amy Drahota, from the University of Portsmouth, and Dr. Iman Mohagheghian, from the University of Surrey, discuss an often-overlooked consideration for flooring decision-makers – that of shock-absorbency, and the impact of installing shock-absorbent flooring on patient fall-related injuries and staff safety.

 Here, they summarise the most up-to-date evidence, and share details of some new research

There are numerous factors to consider when deciding on the best flooring type for use in healthcare facilities, not least matters of endurance, sustainability, and environmental credentials, cleaning and maintenance, infection control, aesthetics, and cost. Safety considerations will commonly focus on the suitability of the material for areas which may become wet or contaminated, with slip resistance being a key concern. But what if flooring could play a bigger role in patient and staff safety?

The problem of falls

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