
Strengthening compliance around the AE audit

Building on success in delivering its solution for NHS Trusts to manage their PAM submissions, QuiqSolutions, in conjunction with IHEEM, is launching a suite of digital tools to assist in EFM governance and the AE auditing process.

Building on success in delivering its ‘acclaimed solution’ for NHS Trusts to manage their PAM submissions, QuiqSolutions, in conjunction with IHEEM, is launching a suite of tools to assist in EFM governance and compliance. As the company’s Sales director, Paul Kaye explains, the scope of the solution includes delivery of a digital solution around the AE auditing process, married to a new self-assessment tool for Trusts and Health Boards to manage year-round compliance with the relevant HTMs in each area.

Compliance in estates and facilities is attracting increasing attention in the wake of events at Grenfell. The consequences of non-compliance in large buildings are all too apparent, and there is now increasing pressure on the sector to bring more focus in this area.

Part of the reaction resulted in NHS England mandating that Trusts complete ongoing assessments and an annual submission of their compliance position via PAM (NHS Premises Assurance Model). PAM covers all aspects of estates and facilities management, with Estates teams grappling with the scope and the need to have input across multiple technical areas. potentially reflecting differences across many locations. 

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