
Sensing Precision launches more powerful duct leakage tester

Sensing Precision has launched a ‘new, more powerful’ air leakage tester to enable larger ductwork to be tested.

The new Air Leakage Finder (ALF225) is a more powerful version of the company’s ‘popular’ ALF150, with a similar simple control system and portable design. With increased fan power, building up the static pressure fast, it can test longer and larger ductwork sections. Like the ALF150, the new air leakage tester utilises three easy-to-change conical inlet nozzles designed to ISO5801, which allows it to cover the range for 1 l/s to 225 l/s. These precision machined nozzles, combined with a recently enhanced control POD, give an accuracy of +/-2.5% of reading.

The all-in-one instrument provides a closed-loop controlled leakage test, and the configurable test parameters include duct size, test pressure, test duration and test class. Once configured appropriately, the ALF225 control pod will calculate the maximum allowable leakage for the ductwork system and then run the test – first pressurising or depressurising the ductwork to the test pressure set, then monitoring the leakage rate, and finally indicating whether the ductwork installation has failed or passed the test.

The model numbers of the Sensing Precision units directly relate to the maximum flowrate in l/s at the industry standard +/-2500 Pa. The the new ALF225 can thus deliver up to 225 l/s at 2500 Pa, and test to standards DW/143/144/154, ISO EN1507/12237/12599 or SMACANA.

Andrew Hamshere, managing director of Sensing Precision, said: “Considerable savings in future energy bills, as well as improved levels of occupant comfort can be achieved when diagnosed maintenance is carried out following a duct leakage performance test. On-site testing for ductwork leakage is only required sporadically. The range of ALF duct leakage testers are compact, lightweight, and a totally self-contained, all in one unit that can be manoeuvred, connected, and operated by a single engineer.”

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