
COVER STORY: Paving the way for digitising healthcare fire system testing and maintenance

Fire systems require testing, inspection, and maintenance to ensure that they continue to work well for the building. As part of the testing process, smoke detectors must be functionally tested and inspected annually.

 This is proven to be one of the most disruptive processes in any hospital estate, as fire detection devises are typically placed in every room of the building, which then requires a technician to access it and place test smoke inside the detector to confirm that it functions correctly. 

Furthermore, proving that all your estate’s detectors have been tested can often be as challenging as the recording of test events, and management of the process – when done manually – can be inaccurate. Hard-to-reach detectors or those in ceiling voids can easily be missed and left untested, which could jeopardise the building’s overall fire safety. 

New Honeywell Self-Test technology solves these issues and digitises the process –creating audit trails that allow you to prove that your sub-contractor has completed a full functional test of the fire system. This helps service providers and estate owners save time on site and provide real-time updates on the performance, testing, and overall compliance to local fire safety codes.

Self-Test technology automates the process without causing the disruption that manual testing brings with it, including requiring access to sensitive areas of hospital estates, such as operating theatres and low immunity wards. 

The multi-award-winning Self-Test and cloud-based app has already started to transform fire maintenance within healthcare estates, and has seen the functional testing of all smoke detectors in a hospital be completed within just 35 minutes. As healthcare estates can be large and complex buildings, Self-Test technology offers an effective and future-proof solution to improve fire safety compliance and overall life safety.

Honeywell Fire
Building 5, Carlton Park
Narborough Leicester
LE19 0LF
T: +44 (0)203 4091779
E: gentenquiry@honeywell.com

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