Urology Unit at Royal Berkshire Hospital set to reduce elective backlog

A new Urology Outpatients Department is being constructed at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading by MTX Contracts, which says it employs Modern Methods of Construction ‘to deliver projects faster, safer, greener, and more cost-effectively’ than conventional building methods.

The new unit will be used by the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust’s Urology, Surgical, and Outpatients teams, and is funded by the NHS Capital for Targeted Investment in Elective Recovery created to reduce the backlog of elective procedures.  In all, 44 factory-manufactured structural steel units have now arrived on site, and been craned into position to create the 1400 m² facility, which is due for completion later this year.

The Urology Outpatients Department is designed to enhance urological care with a wide range of specialised areas, including six consult/exam rooms, an ultrasound scanner room, and a large treatment room. The building also has dedicated spaces for essential equipment and services such as a treatment/chemo room, lithotripter room, and flexi lab. There are also offices, a staff rest room, locker/changing room, and reception and waiting areas.

A dedicated first floor plant room will house air-handling units and other mechanical and electrical service elements manufactured offsite as modules, in line with the Government’s Design for Manufacture and Assembly protocols.

Steve McManus, the Trust’s CEO, said: “We’re really excited to begin work on the unit’s development. Not only will it provide modern, state-of-the-art staff and patient facilities, but it will enable us to perform more surgical procedures and support patients being seen more quickly. It is part of the ongoing investment we are making into services to ensure that our local community can access high quality and safe care as quickly as possible.”  

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