
Re-inspiring workforce requires leadership skills

At Healthcare Estates 2024, three speakers representing large organisations – NHS England, multinational professional services partnership, EY, and the healthcare division of Siemens AG, discussed some of today’s major workforce challenges and opportunities.

Presenting in the opening morning keynote session under the conference theme, Estates & Facilities Services, on the second day of Healthcare Estates 2024 were three speakers representing large organisations – NHS England, multinational professional services partnership, EY, and the healthcare division of Siemens AG. Their focus was some of the major workforce challenges and opportunities today – for employers and employees generally, and more specifically for healthcare engineering and healthcare EFM personnel and the suppliers and technology providers that work with them – in an increasingly digitally-driven world. HEJ editor, Jonathan Baillie, reports.

The three speakers, the Director of Sustainability and Workforce, and National Deputy Director of Estates at NHS England, Fiona Daly; EY Partner and UK People Consulting Leader — Financial Services, Katherine Savage, and Tina Johne, of Siemens AG Healthcare, Vertical, Innovation and Digital Business Management, were introduced by the session chair, Nigel Keery OBE, who had officially taken over as IHEEM President from Alison Ryan at the Institute's 2024 AGM the previous day (HEJ — November 2024, and pages 8-9 of this issue).

Katherine Savage, the first to speak, explained that her role at EY entails 'supporting organisations on their people agenda'. She told delegates: "My plan is to share some broad perspectives on how the world of work is evolving, focusing particularly on how — as leaders and people managers — you will need to evolve your skills to lead in a more complex future work ecosystem of work." She explained that 'with access to many organisations, employers, and employees globally', EY had, since the pandemic, been surveying both employers and employees as part of its Work Reimagined survey, and continues to do so.

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