
Cleanroom developments in focus

The latest developments and issues in the cleanroom sector, from energy consumption and “greener” cleanrooms to the latest filtration standards and regulatory approval guidelines, will be the focus of an IHEEM-supported seminar being staged by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) on 30 September at the organisation’s London headquarters in Birdcage Walk (pictured).

 IMechE said: “With cleanrooms performing a vital role in sectors ranging from nanotechnology to pharmaceuticals, and demand for the controlled environments they provide growing from an ever-wider spectrum of users, cleanroom technology and the regulations and standards which govern it are developing at a rapid rate.” “With presentations from leading cleanroom sector figures, a roundtable discussion forum, and a networking lunch, this event aims to provide delegates with a comprehensive guide to the latest developments in the field.” Delegates will have the opportunity to:

• Engage in roundtable discussions with leading designers, manufacturers, and end users.
• Discuss the development of the cleanroom industry and identify future opportunities for their business. r Network with key industry professionals.
• Learn the latest on surface particulates and surface chemistry, regulatory obligations and factors, and improvements in filter testing methods – “for a cleaner, greener and safer environment”.
• Debate HEPA filters – are they overspecified?

The event is aimed at a wide range of individuals, from process engineers and engineering firms to facilities managers, quality control personnel, and operations/ maintenance managers. For more information visit: www.imeche.org/events/s1453 T: 020 7973 1261.

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