New wireless keyboards for hospital patient entertainment and pointof- care terminals from JAOtech monitor their own disinfect status to remind when sterilisation is due.
With keyboards potentially harbouring harmful bacteria, JAOtech’s Wyki keyboard has a Smart Disinfect feature that allows staff to define periods within which sterilisation must occur. The company says this accords with research by University College, London Hospital microbiologists which showed keyboard bacteria levels fall by 70 per cent if cleaned every 12 hours. The Wyki keyboards integrate seamlessly with JAOtech’s Smart Terminal range. The keys’ flat design and smooth contours simplify cleaning with hospitalapproved germicidal sprays or wipes. A “disinfect button” deactivates the other keys on the keyboard and prevents accidental keypresses during cleaning. The keyboard has a non-porous surface, and the base plastics incorporate an antimicrobial agent.