
Smoother evacuation the goal

Spalding’s Johnson Community Hospital has been equipped with Evac+Chairs to cater for the emergency evacuation of mobility-impaired patients, visitors and staff as per the Disability Discrimination Act.

The new two-storey NHS hospital opened in June 2009, and has 32 beds. The Evac+Chairs from Evac+Chair International enable a single user to transport another person downstairs or on the flat quickly and safely in the event of fire when lifts cannot be used. Anne Cudlipp, support services coordinator, NHS Lincolnshire, said: “We chose the Evac+Chairs at our fire and security department’s recommendation. They are being used by other hospitals in the Trust and were put forward as the best solution.” The chairs are located at designated emergency assistance points at each of the hospital’s four stairwells. Their smooth, controlled operation is due to the interface of specially modified V belts which work continuously to slow down descent over stair nosings in proportion to the passenger’s weight.


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