
Major workforce survey launched

In what is thought to be the largest workforce survey in the world, over 350,000 NHS staff including hospital porters and district nurses, surgeons and receptionists, at every level in every English NHS trust – are being asked for their views. As in the two previous years, the Healthcare Commission expects to see over 200,000 responses to this survey.

The Healthcare Commission, the independent inspection body organising this national workforce survey, wants staff views to contribute to patient care. The survey covers topics such as work-life balance, team working, job satisfaction, training, management and supervision, health and safety, violence and infection control. Trusts and other healthcare organisations have already used last year’s results to implement significant changes such as introducing childcare facilities to help recruitment and retention of staff, and improving staffing levels where there is a high risk of violence from patients, such as in accident & emergency. Healthcare Commission chief executive, Anna Walker, said; “The NHS has a fantastic resource in its loyal and committed workforce. This survey gives staff an opportunity to voice their views to help shape the way they are managed in the future.”

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