
Manchester FM roles

Catalyst Healthcare (Manchester) (Catalyst), the PFI consortium managing the Manchester New Hospitals Project, has appointed two new assistant general managers for facilities management on the project.

James Lasseter, 44, has been with Catalyst since 2000, and has worked on other PFI projects for the company, including the first phase of the Royal Calderdale Hospital in Halifax, and the extension to phase five of Burnley General Hospital. His focus on the Manchester project will centre on “soft” facilities management, which includes cleaning, catering, portering and security services. John Newberry, 35, employed by Catalyst for the past two and a half years, has spent much of that time with the Queen’s Hospital PFI project in Romford. An electronic engineering graduate, he has an established PFI and NHS career, with extensive experience with Gloucestershire and Kent health services. His areas of expertise include estates management, project management, full PFI contract development within the NHS, and TUPE transfers of staff. On the Manchester project he will focus on “hard” FM.

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