
‘Smart living’systems to be discussed

Organisations developing and implementing “smart living” systems and products are to be brought together at a London event which co-organiser PhoneAbility, a charity that promotes “accessible information communication technology to support older and disabled people’s needs”, says will aim to “stimulate greater co-operation in the future”.

 Companies involved in building, engineering, medicine, energy, and communications, architects, care organisations, and bodies representing disabled and older people, are invited to the “”Smart Living - the way forward for disabled and older people” seminar on 15 June at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. For more details visit: www.phoneability.org.uk Dr John Gill, PhoneAbility chairman, said: “There are many organisations doing splendid work to help disabled and older people lead easier lives at home, but they tend to work in isolation, and we see a great need to bring them together, and to get them to work together, on a coherent policy for smart living systems.”


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