Viztouch IP is a fully IP-based nurse call system from Vizcall built on the company’s successful Call Master model, which has a room station which features “icon-based reassurance”, “intelligent call routing”, and easy-to-understand functions – ranging from visual VoIP, to an Eco bedlight control application for reducing power consumption.
Vizcall says “the Viztouch IP difference” lies in its integrated hardware and software solution, which offers “smart” plug-ins to improve productivity. These include “global repeaters”, available at every point, free “smartphone” messaging integration with Nurse Assign facility, and Nurse Aware, which “intelligently detects and displays” which staff member has made contact through VoIP with the patient. The system’s “virtual button technology” enables users to instantly configure their room station panel to any call level combination they require, with no wasted time or cost. The nurse station “client” includes a staff attack option at every point, and features full visual and audio call alert, site-wide logging, and VoIP “seamlessly integrated” into the panel.